Tier 1(天才移民) T1签证是英国政府为在艺术、体育和科学领域有杰出成就的人提供的永居型移民途径,以吸引全球的人才。申请该签证的申请人必须满足以下所有条件: 拥有一定金额的资金证明; 能够证明自己有足够的财力可以负担自己以及家人在英国的生活开支; 英语达到B2水平或同等水平(雅思成绩至少4项5.0); 有足够的时间来准备自己的移民申请材料,并且能够在英国合法地工作; 不属于被禁止入境的人员类型之一; 在获得Tier 1 (General) 签证之后,必须在9个月内登陆英国并开始从事相关的职业活动。
目前,Tier 1 (General) 是开放给那些具有非凡才能或能力的申请者申请的。而之前还专门为企业家开放的Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) 签证目前已经关闭,但政府承诺会在未来重新开放企业家移民路线。 而对于想在英国工作的海外劳工来说,Tier 1 (Post-Study Work) 和Tier 1 (Investor) 是两种比较受欢迎的签证选择。
T2(技能移民) T2 Tier 2 visa, also known as the Skilled Worker route, is a points-based immigration system for foreign nationals who wish to live and work in the UK on a skilled job which does not require a Certificate of Sponsorship from an approved sponsor organisation. The points based system aims to select migrants that will contribute most positively towards the UK economy by requiring applicants to demonstrate they have at least £3,687* savings in a regulated bank account before applying (£945 per year), can speak English or are going to study a degree level course in the UK, amongst other requirements. Applicants must also be eligible to do so under either the short or long residence routes, meaning you cannot qualify automatically if your job is a ‘skilled occupation’. You may still meet the requirements however with one of three methods: · Under the short stay route where you can remain in the UK for up to six months whilst looking for employment;· Under the long residency route whereby you have lived in the UK continuously for five years prior to application;· Under the exceptional talent route, provided you fall into one of the exceptions below:
T2.a Highly Skilled Migrants
This category covers individuals who apply for settlement under Tier 1 (General), but were initially granted limited leave outside this category when they first entered the United Kingdom. For example, those who came here as students using a Tier 4 (General) Visa and then later changed status to Tier 1 (Investor, Graduate Entrepreneur or Post Study Work).