我主要讲讲非T4学生签吧 因为这个也是大家最常问的 而且之前也看到有人说什么“没有t4 visa,只有visitor visa”之类的话 我觉得真的有必要澄清一下! 先上官方解释~ Student Visa (TSS) The Tier 4 general student route is for overseas students who want to study a course in the UK on a longer-term basis. All applicants need to be over 16 years old and have sufficient financial resources during their stay in the UK, as well as an acceptable educational qualification. Applicants must also meet the English language requirements of their proposed course of study. The Tier 4 Student Route can lead to settlement if you satisfy the Settlement (Indefinite Leave To Remain) Requirements. You may apply up to three months before your current permission to remain expires, but not more than two years before. 简单来说就是给留英时间长于一年的学生的签证类型 而它最大的特征便是允许你在英国合法居留(学习) 以及满足一定条件可以获得永久居留权——也就是PR啦 所以那些说t4不是学生签的人真的是要打脸了哦!! T4和PBS VISAS有什么区别吗? BBC的解释比较简单易懂: A PBS Migrants visa will only be needed by those that cannot qualify under the new points based system, which allows highly skilled migrants to enter Britain without needing a job offer or a specific level of ability. Those applying from outside Europe should receive either a six month or one year visa depending on what they are coming here for. People with jobs could get visas lasting between four and five and half years. It will replace existing work permits currently given to migrant workers from outside the EU. There has been considerable debate about how many migrant workers would be allowed into Britain following its exit from the European Union. The home secretary Theresa May suggested earlier this week that it might allow a maximum of another 30,000 people per year after Brexit – at least initially. This would bring overall numbers down to around half the total permitted under freedom of movement rules now. Some fear this number could fall even lower.
2.A PBS Family member’s visa is available to anyone wishing to travel to England, Wales, Scotland或者Northern Ireland to join a family member already resident in the country on the below conditions: ——————————– 上面这段话可以说明的是: 第一段中提到的pbs visas包括PBS Visas for Workers 和 PBS Visas