


在爱大的官网可以找到各个学院的链接 分别是: 艺术学院(College of Arts) 理工科与数学系(College of Humanities and Sciences) 人文社科学院(College of Social Sciences) 医学院(College of Medicine) 法学院(College of Law) 兽医院(School of Veterinary Medicine) 爱大有很多专业都很著名啦!接下来就分别介绍几个比较热门的专业吧~

1. 商学院 (Business School) 爱大的商学院只有三个专业,但是都是王牌专业哦! MFE - Master in Finance and Economics 金融经济学硕士,这个专业的核心课程是关于公司理财、风险管理以及计量经济学的。该专业每年招生20人左右,要求申请者具有非常好的量化背景,特别是数学能力。

MPP – Master in Public Policy 公共政策硕士。这个专业对申请者的定量分析能力要求很高,同时也需要具备良好的英语写作能力。每年的招生人数也是20人左右。 EMBE – Executive MBA 这是一个在职研究生项目,每两年招生60人。除了拥有良好的量化背景和英语写作能力之外,申请者在管理、经济等方面也需要具备扎实的基础。

2. 信息学院 (School of Informatics) 这个学院有两个专业比较知名,一个是数据科学,一个是人工智能。 Data Science MSc 这个专业每年招生80人左右,要求申请者们具备良好的统计分析与编程能力。 Artificial Intelligence MSc 这个专业每年招生50人左右,要求申请者具有良好的编程基础,对算法、逻辑表达式等具有深入的理解。

3. 工程学院(King's Buildings) 这是爱大新建的校园,位于市中心。工程学院有几个比较热门的专业,例如: Energy Systems MSc This innovative course is the first to be offered at Masters level within the UK’s new Faculty of Energy and Environment. The MSc Energy Systems will provide you with a thorough understanding of energy systems, how they work and their role in society. You will learn about key concepts such as energy efficiency, renewable energy technologies, global energy demand and supply, and energy policy. You will gain an appreciation of the importance of multidisciplinary teams to address complex problems, such as those associated with meeting the UK's climate change targets, designing efficient energy markets, or developing low carbon transport and infrastructure projects. The course has been designed by our world-leading experts working at the intersection between energy systems and related disciplines, giving you a highly relevant and current programme that can help you shape your future career path. Electrical and Electronic Engineering MSc (with Specialisms in Communications, Signal Processing and Control) 这个专业下面有四个小方向,可以选择自己感兴趣的去申请。
