1、在预约成功之后,系统会发送一封确认信到你之前预约的邮箱里,点击邮件里面的确认信中的“Cancel booking”即可取消预约 2、登录你的原预约网址,然后点击右上角的“My bookings and applications"进入个人中心 3、点进个人资料后的界面,找到“booking confirmation number",这个编号就是当初邮件里收到的8位数字的号码了;
4、再根据你当时选择的支付方式按如下方式退款: Visa/MasterCard: Please allow up to five working days for a refund of £60 to be processed back on the same card. Any refunds paid out in this way are subject to the charges levied by our credit-card company, which may include a transaction fee equal to two per cent of your original payment. American express: please allow tenworking days for refund processing. We will then request that the amount is transferred directly into your american express account, there is no additional charge for this transfer (注意:如果申请取消日期距护照原件到期的日子少于三个月者,手续费为£60) 5、如果申请取消时间距离签证到期日还有三周以上(包括三周),那么可以拿到全额退款 6、如果在预定签证时,选择的是代交护照服务并且付款成功的话,则需要等到收到退还的款项后才可以拿回护照原件哦!
7、如果你是在英国境内申请的签证,需要本人携带身份证明文件去UKVISAServiceCentre(UKVCAS)服务中心办理退签手续,而UKVCAS只接受亲自前往服务中心办理的退签申请,不接受邮寄或是任何代理。 UKVCAS服务中心地址: URL#ukvcas_centre