学校发来邮件,要求我们用银行的电汇单形式缴纳2019年的学费(2.6万人民币) ,可是我们银行说没有接收到学校的汇款通知......请问这该怎么办啊?会不会因此收不到学籍呢?!急求!!谢谢!!!
Dear Student, Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding the fee payment. We have sent an email to the financial department with your query and waiting for their reply. You can check out our website if you would like to know more about how we handle such matters here: Please note that any payment received in a different way will not be processed until the following week as it has to go through several rounds of approvals before being transferred to the University. In order to avoid delays, please make sure that you use the correct bank account number/reference that we have given you when making the payment. Thank you again for contacting us. Best regards 某某金融办公室