

首先,在非移民B1/B2签证过期前3-6个月内向移民局办理延期(Extension of Stay) 如果是在美国境内申请延长停留期的话需要满足的条件有: 1、没有犯罪; 2、持有有效的护照和入境签证; 3、有足够的资金来支付自己在美国期间所需要的花销(包括回程机票); 4、申请人不能因为疾病或者残疾而导致长期留在美国的必要性 5、要证明申请人去美国只是短期逗留 如果你的情况是符合以上条件你就可以到美领馆递交材料申请了. 申请材料如下:

1) I-131, Application for Travel Document (for Asylum Applicants Only), Form 90 (18 months validity) $370 ,这个表格是用于申请回美证的,这个可以找中介代理填写的,不需要本人亲自填写。 (注意: 在美国申请回美证是不需要律师费的, 但是你拿到回美证以后离开美国然后再次进入美国是需要律师费代理的, 所以建议第一次申请的人可以直接找旅行社代理办理)

2) Passport and valid nonimmigrant visa or other documentary proofs that you are lawfully allowed to enter the U.S. in B, C, F, H, J, M or Q status with a six month validity period or longer passport which is not expired. A copy of your passport photo page should be attached as well along with copies of all pages of both sides of your passport. Please note, this does apply if you have an expired or no longer valid visa in the passport even though it was issued more than one year ago. This way you can ensure that they will see when applying online whether your current status allows them to issue such document.

3) Proof of sufficient funds to support yourself during your stay in USA, including proof of ownership on financial assets like bank accounts money market fund balance etc. You must show how much you spend per day over the past few years, i.e. cash spent at hotels restaurants gas stations etc plus any airline tickets you’ve purchased since then. The estimated cost of living varies by state therefore applicants from different states might need different amounts depending upon where they live while here. To make life easier there are many websites out there that provide these calculations but please note that their numbers may vary slightly so just take what works best suited for you rather than relying solely upon one source! For example look into sites such nolo legal website URL or findlawlegal website www.findlaw.com! If you cannot do this without help consider hiring someone who is good at doing these kinds of things especially considering how important this step really is!

4) Letter explaining why


1. 护照原件(如有旧护照请一并带齐);

2. 两张2吋白底彩照,在照片背面用圆珠笔写上自己的姓名及出生日期; 3. 填写好的移民局申请书两份(可在网上下载后打印出来填好);

4. 在菲合法居留的身份证明文件(如工作许可、学生证等);

5. 无犯罪/刑事案底的公证书正本及翻译件各两份;

6. 护照上须至少有三个月的有效签证,否则需要申请新的入境签证 7. 办理费用为每人805比索 (含税和工本费) 有不清楚的地方欢迎追问哦~!
