1. 我当时是面签的时候,和签证官的对话是这样的: V: What will you study ? 我: Biology, with focus in environmental science.
V: Environmental Science is for China or USA ? (我当时就懵逼了...) 我: For me it's the same, and both have high level of education. So I could develop this field well here just like china. (后来才发现他问的是环境科学在中美哪个国家发展更好...) 然后他就让我签了字,给了我小纸条,说I hope see you again someday on a business visa.
2. 小姐妹B去面签,被问了如下问题: V: Which degree do you plan to get? B: MS in Business Administration, concentrating in Management Information Systems. Why did you choose management information system as your concentration? Is MIS good at Chinese University now? Do you know what are job prospects of an ESL teacher after graduation from your school? V: Ok, please make sure that whatever you say today during interview stays between us two people only. Good luck!! B: Thanks!
3. A同学和我同时拿到的签证。 V: You’re going for undergrad right? Where will you major? A: Chemistry, minor in Mathematics. V: What about STEM OPT? A: No, because my university doesn’t offer any graduate course which related to STEM. Then there won’t be any possible way for me to apply the extension. V: OK, have fun!
4. C同学也是顺利拿到签证。 V: Are you coming back to visit us soon? C: Yes, maybe next year when i go swimming in ocean. And then fly to LA so that i can come back by plane.
5. D同学是成功移民了,所以他的签证过程就没什么可说的;但是据他说,在他之前面签的人几乎都失败了大半...因此D同学的签证通过率还是挺高的~ PS: 以上都是我的朋友们的亲身经历,希望对各位能有所帮助~