

题主好,我是曾在德国和比利时交换学习过一年的小纯。很高兴可以为你提供帮助哒~ 希望我的回答对你有帮助哈!

首先来回答一下你的疑问吧~ 在国内签什么签证,是取决于你要去的那个国家给你发的是什么签证,而不是根据你在国内呆多久来决定你签哪种签证的。 所以,如果你要去德国的话就要去签赴德的签证啦~(而且其实我觉得这问题有点奇怪诶…在德国那边呆一年就签长期签证嘛)至于具体是哪种要看你去那边做什么了。 如果我去参加一个学期的交换项目(就是跟题主一样的B端),那么我就是在B端签D类签证。

那如果是C端的旅游呢,就是像题主说的在那边待1年半这样,因为不是出于学习和工作的目的所以签证类型是TK-Visumerlaubnis. C端的签证需要申请人亲自到驻中国使馆办理,而B端则不需要本人前去,只需要提供材料给学校即可由学校统一递交。

接下来我来解释下这两种类型的区别吧~~~ D类的Durchführungsvisum (D) 是用于入境德国并在德境内短期停留,比如参加了一个学期交换项目的B端;或者TK学生(在德接受德语学习的学生)的C端。这种签证有固定的有效期,一般是一年,但是也可以延长,每次不超过6个月,每次入境时都需要重新再签一次。

如果被拒绝入境或出境,则需要重新按正常程序再次提出申请哦~~ TK-Visumerlaubnis on the other hand is for tourists and business people who are not required to go through a university or language school in Germany, but can do so if desired. It’s also very similar to the TK-Visum Erlaubnis, as it allows you to stay in Germany up to twelve months and even more than one time during that period of time,but with two big differences: You only need to prove your financial stability once rather than twice and there are no limits regarding how many times you want to leave & reenter within a year. In addition, an application requires more documents which have to be translated into German by an official translator/notary public instead of simply being sworn before a consul general. This means extra costs though because every translation has to be paid for separately. And last but not least, you will most likely receive less money from this visa as long term visas require proof of sufficient funds for at least six months after leaving the country while short term ones do just fine for three months after exiting out of Deutschland. So basically they're cheaper since tourism companies charge much lower fees per person when sending groups abroad compared with universities or language schools! However I wouldn't recommend using this type myself because getting turned down could mean having trouble entering any European Union countries again until resolving matters properly due legal reasons related wth border crossings between Schengen states outside their jurisdiction etc


德国是申请学签还是申根签呢,取决于您的目的! 如果是德语授课的DSH课程那么需要办理的是学生签证(BfM); 如果不是德语授课的课程而是英语授课的课程并且在德国没有居留权的话就需要办理申根旅行签证或者探亲签证了哦~ 但是不管是哪一种都需要在德国有住宿的地方和固定的联系方式的哈~
